Sissy Spacek "Trash Staging" LP

New Forces is proud to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of Sissy Spacek with their latest LP, "Trash Staging." Sissy Spacek have been one of my favorite bands for a long time, with a genre-bending catalog that spans grind, noisecore, collage, tape music, free improvisation, and large ensembles. Throughout, they have injected a frantic intensity into their music that is as addictive as it is unrelenting. "Trash Staging" could not be more perfectly calibrated to what I love most about this band, here consisting of John Wiese and Charlie Mumma. The record takes the "grind" and the "noise" of this project and pushes both to the limit. The A-Side, which plays at 45rpm, unleashes a noisy grindcore assault, the drums blending with the electronics into a massive wall of sound. Feedback, blast beats, and screeching vocals pummel the listener for 5 perfect minutes. This is Sissy Spacek at their most extreme, sure to leave you out of breath. On the B-Side, which plays at 33rpm, the noisy tendencies of this project are taken to their logical conclusion, as they blast the listener with grappling electronics for nearly 20 minutes. Well-deserved comparisons to Pain Jerk and Incapacitants may give you an idea of the sort of noise perfection to be found here. Dynamic and free flowing, this is the sort of noise that can induce a trance-like state at high volumes. For those of you that always want your music louder, faster, and more intense, look no further. This will probably be as close as you're going to get. Your new favorite noise record, and your new favorite grind record, all in one convenient package. "Trash Staging" will be available from New Forces in mid-September.